Easy Self-Care Tips

Suraji Wagage, PhD, JD

  1. Understand the need for self-care

    Many of us have a culturally-reinforced belief that we have to be “productive” all the time, and that self-care is counter to productivity. Some of us have learned to put the needs of others over our own and even to disregard our needs. So the first step is to understand why self-care is needed: it actually improves our productivity when we take time for self-care, and it also enables us to give more to others when our own needs are met. Think of it as recharging your battery. 

  2. Recognize your needs

    This may sound easy, but it’s not something we are usually taught to do and may not come naturally. Try asking yourself at various times as you go about your day what you need or want in the moment. No matter how busy you are, give yourself a goal of doing one thing per day solely for you, not because someone else wants it or you think you should want it. It can be as big or small as you want it to be. Self-care can be anything that addresses your needs and/or increases your wellbeing physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, etc. 

  3. Consider each of your senses

    When brainstorming what to do for self-care, think about what you like to see, smell, taste, touch, and hear. It might be watching a show you enjoy or looking at art, lighting a candle or using an essential oil diffuser, eating chocolate or drinking tea, playing with silly putty or petting your dog, or listening to music.

  4. Pursue enjoyment and mastery

    You can also brainstorm by thinking about what kinds of things give you pleasure — what you find fun or enjoyable — and what makes you feel accomplished or productive (e.g., taking a walk, hiking, reading a good book, practicing mindfulness).

  5. Any amount of time counts

    We often tell ourselves that we don’t have time for self-care, but you can practice self-care with even a minute or two (e.g., doing a 1-minute mindfulness practice or eating something you enjoy and savor). Get creative in thinking about how you can build small moments of self-care into your day.